

Why Give

The UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine is well-known around the world for training future veterinarians, providing excellent patient care, and developing its strong research program. The Comparative Cancer Center is unique to the School of Veterinary Medicine; it is recognized by the National Cancer Institute and designated as a partner with the Cancer Center in our School of Medicine to form the Comparative Oncology program.

Philanthropic support is critical to our mission. Contributions from animal lovers like you allow us to explore new areas of diagnosis, therapies and preventions of naturally occurring cases of animal cancers. The knowledge we gain to help animals, also benefits humans and provides the initial study results critical and required to obtain larger awards from such distinguished agencies as the National Cancer Institute and the National Institutes of Health.

An endowment has been established to benefit the Comparative Cancer Center. Endowments last in perpetuity and continue to grow the principle while providing earnings to the program. Our endowment will be used to fund such vital functions as responding quickly to emerging areas of cancer research, adding leaders in cancer research to our team, training gifted graduate students and providing the equipment and support staff required to have the worlds’ finest veterinary and comparative cancer program.

How to Give

Each donation helps the Comparative Cancer Center conduct extraordinary research, which helps better serve animals and the people who care for them. This is an opportunity to make gifts in honor or in memory of a beloved pet, family member or even the veterinarian who cared for your animal friend. 

Please make checks payable to ‘UC Regents’ and send to:

Comparative Cancer Center
c/o Dean’s Office-Development
School of Veterinary Medicine
One Shields Avenue
Davis, CA 95616-8734 

To donate online using your credit card, please go to our secure Giving Site